If you have a 'remote' style gearshift lever in your car then you fully understand the term 'gear lever rattle'! The lever for the later style remote gearboxes originally used a nylon cup on the end of the ball of the lever. The original nylon version has been discontinued a number of years ago. After suffering form this rattle all the years we are pleased to make available a 'poly' version that will last longer and works fantasticaly!
If you have a 'remote' style gearshift lever in your car then you fully understand the term 'gear lever rattle'! The lever for the later style remote gearboxes originally used a nylon cup on the end of the ball of the lever. The original nylon version has been discontinued a number of years ago. After suffering form this rattle all the years we are pleased to make available a 'poly' version that will last longer and works fantasticaly!




