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Classic Mini Floor Pan Assembly Rod Change Heritage
The last type of rod change rib design floor made for the assembly line fits cars from 1973-96-It has a large rib down the centre of the L/H side This floor produced from genuine tools has the crossmember fitted with the sill panels and jacking points. If you require this floor for a 1996-2000 car with pre tensioned seat belts order ADA36002 ---it has a reinforcement strip over seat belt holes and a platform panel attached to tunnel and floor under rear seat, drivers side.
The last type of rod change rib design floor made for the assembly line fits cars from 1973-96-It has a large rib down the centre of the L/H side This floor produced from genuine tools has the crossmember fitted with the sill panels and jacking points. If you require this floor for a 1996-2000 car with pre tensioned seat belts order ADA36002 ---it has a reinforcement strip over seat belt holes and a platform panel attached to tunnel and floor under rear seat, drivers side.




