The oil pump on all A-series Sprite Midget motors have their oil pumps on the flywheel end of the motor. The pump extends out beyound the engine plate and must be sealed by a metal can. This can is often lost or bent to the point that sealing is not a possibility and thus often used drip pan must be kept under the back of the motor. These metal cans that have been out of production for a number of years are again now available. Get one while you can!
The oil pump on all A-series Sprite Midget motors have their oil pumps on the flywheel end of the motor. The pump extends out beyound the engine plate and must be sealed by a metal can. This can is often lost or bent to the point that sealing is not a possibility and thus often used drip pan must be kept under the back of the motor. These metal cans that have been out of production for a number of years are again now available. Get one while you can!




