Boot badge for both the Austin and Morris Cooper "S" MK II. Last original type badges available.
The Austin and Morris Cooper had different boot badges; although, both Coopers used the same, chrome "Mk" and "II" badges mounted below the boot badge. The Cooper S used the same badge for both makes and did not use the "Mk" and "II" badges.
The Morris Cooper Mk II boot badge is ALA6537.
For the bezel (chrome surround) for all three badges, see ALA6542.
Boot badge for both the Austin and Morris Cooper "S" MK II. Last original type badges available.
The Austin and Morris Cooper had different boot badges; although, both Coopers used the same, chrome "Mk" and "II" badges mounted below the boot badge. The Cooper S used the same badge for both makes and did not use the "Mk" and "II" badges.
The Morris Cooper Mk II boot badge is ALA6537.
For the bezel (chrome surround) for all three badges, see ALA6542.
Price : $29.95




