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Chrome pancake air filter for 1.25" SU. 5.5" diameter, 1" (+0.5" nuts) thick. Washable, reusable filter element. Many SU carb users (Sprite and Midgets) found their car equipped with pancake air cleaners. These filters have centered mounting which is more appropriate for Sprites, Mini owners should get the PF101A filters as those have offset mountings and will clear the Mini's bonnet. These have been popular for many, many years. The latest version of these now have highly polished chrome tops and bottoms. Very simple to install, they just bolt to the face of the carb! No clearance problems, no questions, just simple and easy!
SU 1.25 BG chrome air filter assembly | Mini | Sprite & Midget | Morris Minor

SU 1.25 BG chrome air filter assembly | Mini | Sprite & Midget | Morris Minor

SU 1.25 BG chrome air filter assembly | Mini | Sprite & Midget | Morris Minor
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Chrome pancake air filter for 1.25" SU. 5.5" diameter, 1" (+0.5" nuts) thick. Washable, reusable filter element. Many SU carb users (Sprite and Midgets) found their car equipped with pancake air cleaners. These filters have centered mounting which is more appropriate for Sprites, Mini owners should get the PF101A filters as those have offset mountings and will clear the Mini's bonnet. These have been popular for many, many years. The latest version of these now have highly polished chrome tops and bottoms. Very simple to install, they just bolt to the face of the carb! No clearance problems, no questions, just simple and easy!
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