The design of the Morris Minors was pretty advance for it's day and used stressed panels instead of the 'ladder' frame of contemporary cars. This created a lighter and stronger car, but when the rust gets serious that strength goes away and we need to replace these panels to be safe. This finisher strip runs along the bottom side of the car below the door, often rusted or just plain missing. The part numbers for the 4 door cars are CHS129 and CHS130. Limited quantity, please call for availability.
The design of the Morris Minors was pretty advance for it's day and used stressed panels instead of the 'ladder' frame of contemporary cars. This created a lighter and stronger car, but when the rust gets serious that strength goes away and we need to replace these panels to be safe. This finisher strip runs along the bottom side of the car below the door, often rusted or just plain missing. The part numbers for the 4 door cars are CHS129 and CHS130. Limited quantity, please call for availability.




