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The Mini is known for lack of paint on the interior body panels, making rust a problem at certain areas of the car. The windshield corners are one of these areas. These repair panels can save time in the shop and make the repairs look professional. Panels sold individually.
Classic Mini Windshield Corner Panel

Classic Mini Windshield Corner Panel

Classic Mini Windshield Corner Panel
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The Mini is known for lack of paint on the interior body panels, making rust a problem at certain areas of the car. The windshield corners are one of these areas. These repair panels can save time in the shop and make the repairs look professional. Sold individually.
The Mini is known for lack of paint inside the body panels, making rust a problem at certain areas of the car. The windshield corners are one of these areas. These repair panels can save time in the shop and make the repairs look professional.
The Mini is known for lack of paint on the interior body panels, making rust a problem at certain areas of the car. The windshield corners are one of these areas. These repair panels can save time in the shop and make the repairs look professional. Panels sold individually.
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Body Panels and Sheet Metal at Mini Mania!
Created: March 09, 2017
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