From 1978 and on the brake system of the Mini evolved to the point that this modern proportioning valve became stock. This valve is critical to maintain the proper balance between the front and rear brakes. Too much front brakes can lead the car to push in a corner, while too much rear brake could cause the back of the car to swing out under hard braking!
This twin line brake PDWA valve is fitted on the front bulkhead of the engine bay from 1978 on as opposed to the single line valve which was fitted on the rear subframe.
Fixing bolt is 2.25" long UNF 1/4. The 4 Brake unions are all metric. Mounting hole at the top, end nut towards the center of car is for rear system.
The valve was re-positioned closer to bulk head when servo fitted 1988.
5 port type of this on Australian cars is no longer available.
This twin line brake PDWA valve is fitted on the front bulkhead of the engine bay from 1978 on as opposed to the single line valve which was fitted on the rear subframe.
Fixing bolt is 2.25" long UNF 1/4. The 4 Brake unions are all metric. Mounting hole at the top, end nut towards the center of car is for rear system.
The valve was re-positioned closer to bulk head when servo fitted 1988.
5 port type of this on Australian cars is no longer available.
From 1978 and on the brake system of the Mini evolved to the point that this modern proportioning valve became stock. This valve is critical to maintain the proper balance between the front and rear brakes. Too much front brakes can lead the car to push in a corner, while too much rear brake could cause the back of the car to swing out under hard braking!
This twin line brake PDWA valve is fitted on the front bulkhead of the engine bay from 1978 on as opposed to the single line valve which was fitted on the rear subframe.
Fixing bolt is 2.25" long UNF 1/4. The 4 Brake unions are all metric. Mounting hole at the top, end nut towards the center of car is for rear system.
The valve was re-positioned closer to bulk head when servo fitted 1988.
5 port type of this on Australian cars is no longer available.
This twin line brake PDWA valve is fitted on the front bulkhead of the engine bay from 1978 on as opposed to the single line valve which was fitted on the rear subframe.
Fixing bolt is 2.25" long UNF 1/4. The 4 Brake unions are all metric. Mounting hole at the top, end nut towards the center of car is for rear system.
The valve was re-positioned closer to bulk head when servo fitted 1988.
5 port type of this on Australian cars is no longer available.




