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What's new about a bullet mirror, you ask? This one is made just for the Mini and Sprites/Midgets! The stem is a little longer and the base is angled to fit the door. Not only does this allow for a better range of adjustment, but you can actually SEE out of the mirror! These are not 'universal', left and right are different; GAM107 is right, GAM108 is left.
Mounting hole spacing about 1.25" requires adapter M90997 if mounted to cars 1980 or later

Fitting instructions for GAM107 & GAM108 door mirrors.

These mirrors were originally designed to fit Mini doors that already had fixing holes provided by the factory. Depending on YOUR door there are three alternative methods of fitment.

1. On cars with genuine Rover plastic mirrors as fitted from about 1979, with offset fixing holes, a 13/16th" hole center plinth fixing kit will be required. Two screws hold an alloy plate to the door and two self-tapping screws hold the plastic plinth to the plate. Kit part numbers are M90997 (LH) and M90999 (RH).
2. On cars with original chrome door mirrors, about 1970-'80, the torpedo type mirror will fit directly onto the existing chrome plinth. The fixing holes (2 1/8" centers) on the doors were horizontally level, not offset as earlier versions.
3. If no door mirror was ever fitted, then a fixing plinth with 1 3/8" hole centers should be used, which clips onto the back of the black escutcheon. Kit part number is M91000.


With the aid of a second person, locate a clear unobstructed position for the door mirror when viewed from the driving seat. Ensure that the fixing screws will not foul the window and that the mirror is not at the limit of adjustment in any plane.
Mark the selected position with a 3" long strip of masking tape to prevent the drill bit from running and scratching the door.
Place plinth as applicable in position as a template & mark the hole positions. Carefully drill two holes using a 17/64" or 7mm drill bit.
Remove the masking tape and push both bosses of the plinth through the drilled holes. Insert the screws and tighten until the plinth is firmly fixed to the door. CAUTION - do not overtighten as this will strip the plastic bosses, resulting in a loose mounting.
Slacken the grub screw on the mirror stem and fit over the plinth. Tighten the grub screw until the mirror is firm, do not over-tighten.

Adjustment is by the mirror glass and head. Do not over-tighten the screws after adjustment. Only tighten the two cross-head screws on the underside of the mirror equally or you will damage the bowl.

Bullet Mirror Flat Glass RH | Classic Mini | Sprite & MG Midget

Bullet Mirror Flat Glass RH | Classic Mini | Sprite & MG Midget

Bullet Mirror Flat Glass RH | Classic Mini | Sprite & MG Midget
Selected: Flat, Right Hand
Part No: GAM107
Fits the following:
Classic Mini
Sprite & MG Midget
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What's new about a bullet mirror, you ask? This one is made just for the Mini and Sprites/Midgets! The stem is a little longer and the base is angled to fit the door. This allows not only for a better range of adjustment but a rear view mirror that you can actually see out of! These are not 'universal', left and right are different; GAM107 is right, GAM108 is left.
Mounting hole spacing about 1.25" requires adapter M90997 if mounted to cars 1980 or later

What's new about a bullet mirror, you ask? This one is made just for the Mini and Sprites/Midgets! The stem is a little longer and the base is angled to fit the door. This allows not only for a better range of adjustment but a rear view mirror that you can actully see out of! These are not 'universal', left and right are different; GAM107 is right, GAM108 is left.
Mounting hole spacing about 1.25" requires adapter M90997 if mounted to cars 1980 or later

What's new about a bullet mirror, you ask? This one is made just for the Mini and Sprites/Midgets! The stem is a little longer and the base is angled to fit the door. This allows not only for a better range of adjustment but a rear view mirror that you can actually see out of! These are not 'universal', left and right are different; GAM107 is right, GAM108 is left.
Mounting hole spacing about 1.25" requires adapter M90997 if mounted to cars 1980 or later

Fitting instructions for GAM107 & GAM108 door mirrors.

These mirrors were originally designed to fit Mini doors that already had fixing holes provided by the factory. Depending on YOUR door there are three alternative methods of fitment.

1. On cars with genuine Rover plastic mirrors as fitted from about 1979, with offset fixing holes, a 13/16th" hole center plinth fixing kit will be required. Two screws hold an alloy plate to the door and two self-tapping screws hold the plastic plinth to the plate. Kit part numbers are M90997 (LH) and M90999 (RH).
2. On cars with original chrome door mirrors, about 1970-'80, the torpedo type mirror will fit directly onto the existing chrome plinth. The fixing holes (2 1/8" centers) on the doors were horizontally level, not offset as earlier versions.
3. If no door mirror was ever fitted, then a fixing plinth with 1 3/8" hole centers should be used, which clips onto the back of the black escutcheon. Kit part number is M91000.


With the aid of a second person, locate a clear unobstructed position for the door mirror when viewed from the driving seat. Ensure that the fixing screws will not foul the window and that the mirror is not at the limit of adjustment in any plane.
Mark the selected position with a 3" long strip of masking tape to prevent the drill bit from running and scratching the door.
Place plinth as applicable in position as a template & mark the hole positions. Carefully drill two holes using a 17/64" or 7mm drill bit.
Remove the masking tape and push both bosses of the plinth through the drilled holes. Insert the screws and tighten until the plinth is firmly fixed to the door. CAUTION - do not overtighten as this will strip the plastic bosses, resulting in a loose mounting.
Slacken the grub screw on the mirror stem and fit over the plinth. Tighten the grub screw until the mirror is firm, do not over-tighten.

Adjustment is by the mirror glass and head. Do not over-tighten the screws after adjustment. Only tighten the two cross-head screws on the underside of the mirror equally or you will damage the bowl.

What's new about a bullet mirror, you ask? This one is made just for the Mini and Sprites/Midgets! The stem is a little longer and the base is angled to fit the door. Not only does this allow for a better range of adjustment, but you can actually SEE out of the mirror! These are not 'universal', left and right are different; GAM107 is right, GAM108 is left.
Mounting hole spacing about 1.25" requires adapter M90997 if mounted to cars 1980 or later

Fitting instructions for GAM107 & GAM108 door mirrors.

These mirrors were originally designed to fit Mini doors that already had fixing holes provided by the factory. Depending on YOUR door there are three alternative methods of fitment.

1. On cars with genuine Rover plastic mirrors as fitted from about 1979, with offset fixing holes, a 13/16th" hole center plinth fixing kit will be required. Two screws hold an alloy plate to the door and two self-tapping screws hold the plastic plinth to the plate. Kit part numbers are M90997 (LH) and M90999 (RH).
2. On cars with original chrome door mirrors, about 1970-'80, the torpedo type mirror will fit directly onto the existing chrome plinth. The fixing holes (2 1/8" centers) on the doors were horizontally level, not offset as earlier versions.
3. If no door mirror was ever fitted, then a fixing plinth with 1 3/8" hole centers should be used, which clips onto the back of the black escutcheon. Kit part number is M91000.


With the aid of a second person, locate a clear unobstructed position for the door mirror when viewed from the driving seat. Ensure that the fixing screws will not foul the window and that the mirror is not at the limit of adjustment in any plane.
Mark the selected position with a 3" long strip of masking tape to prevent the drill bit from running and scratching the door.
Place plinth as applicable in position as a template & mark the hole positions. Carefully drill two holes using a 17/64" or 7mm drill bit.
Remove the masking tape and push both bosses of the plinth through the drilled holes. Insert the screws and tighten until the plinth is firmly fixed to the door. CAUTION - do not overtighten as this will strip the plastic bosses, resulting in a loose mounting.
Slacken the grub screw on the mirror stem and fit over the plinth. Tighten the grub screw until the mirror is firm, do not over-tighten.

Adjustment is by the mirror glass and head. Do not over-tighten the screws after adjustment. Only tighten the two cross-head screws on the underside of the mirror equally or you will damage the bowl.

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Created: January 09, 2019
Great selection of Mirrors for the Classic Mini including rear view mirror, door & fender mirrors are available in black or chrome. Classic Torpedo mirrors in various styles are listed.