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Classic Mini Distributor Splash Shield Water Guard
The current large plastic shield without any fittings or clips, to cover the engine electrics. Might need slight modifications for some SPI cars but we have fitted them on our own cars without any problems . The plastic clips are available as 13H6461 Upper bracket-NJU10002 Lower bracket- JZV1073 The 2 upper brackets fit on the rocker cover retaining nuts and the lower bracket fits on the gearbox with the square fastener hole towards the oil filter side. You will have to remove the gearbox to engine bolts. Start with the middle bolt first (there are 5 bolts) so you can see where the bracket needs to fit, and the bolt to the left, nearer to the starter is the other bolt needed to remove
The current large plastic shield without any fittings or clips, to cover the engine electrics. Might need slight modifications for some SPI cars but we have fitted them on our own cars without any problems . The plastic clips are available as 13H6461 Upper bracket-NJU10002 Lower bracket- JZV1073 The 2 upper brackets fit on the rocker cover retaining nuts and the lower bracket fits on the gearbox with the square fastener hole towards the oil filter side. You will have to remove the gearbox to engine bolts. Start with the middle bolt first (there are 5 bolts) so you can see where the bracket needs to fit, and the bolt to the left, nearer to the starter is the other bolt needed to remove
Recommended items for: NJT10004




