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Factory MINI ATF JWS 3309 in 1 liter bottles for the 6-speed AUTOMATIC Transmission made by Aisin Warner. If you want to stay with the factory fluid, this is the same fluid used at the MINI dealerships!

MINI specifies their automatic transmission fluid as a 'Lifetime Fluid' - but any transmission specialist will tell you that there is no such thing. They all say "Automatic transmission fluids should be serviced on a regular basis".

This Fluid is compatible with the GA6F21WA Aisin 6-speed Automatic transmissions used in the following models:

2002-2006 R50 MINI Cooper and R53 MINI Cooper S Hatchback
2005-2008 R52 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Convertibles
2007-2013 R56 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Hatchback
2008-2014 R55 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Clubman
2009-2015 R57 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Convertible
2012-2015 R58 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Coupe
2012-2015 R59 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Roadster
2011-2016 R60 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Countryman
2013-2016 R61 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Paceman

DON'T POLLUTE! Dispose of used oil at an authorized collection facility.

This fluid is NOT compatible with the Cooper (non-S) CVT automatic transmission.

Note: Fluids cannot be shipped via air - they can be shipped by ground methods only.


[ ] Pan removal requires 4 liters to refill.
[ ] Torque converter replacement requires 4.5 liters to refill.
[ ] Transmission replacement requires 6 liters to refill.

Plug Torque:

M10 - 27 Nm (20 ft-lb)
M14 - 23.5 + 10 Nm (17 + 7 ft-lb)
M18 - 23.5 + 10 Nm (17 + 7 ft-lb)


Genuine OEM Part Top Seller Mini Cooper Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF JWS 3309 1 liter

Mini Cooper Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF JWS 3309 1 liter

Mini Cooper Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF JWS 3309 1 liter

Mini Cooper Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF JWS 3309 1 liter

Mini Cooper Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF JWS 3309 1 liter
Part No: NMG7302
Fits the following:
MINI (2002-Current)
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Alternate Products
Mini Cooper Automatic Transmission Fluid Aisin Type T-IV equivalent to JWS3309
$16.66 Mini Cooper Automatic Transmission Fluid Aisin Type T-IV equivalent to JWS3309
Factory MINI ATF JWS 3309 in 1 liter bottles for the 6-speed AUTOMATIC Transmission made by Aisin Warner. If you want to stay with the factory fluid, this is the same fluid used at the MINI dealerships!

MINI specifies their automatic transmission fluid as a 'Lifetime Fluid' - but any transmission specialist will tell you that there is no such thing. They all say "Automatic transmission fluids should be serviced on a regular basis".

This Fluid is compatible with the GA6F21WA Aisin 6-speed Automatic transmissions used in the following models:

2002-2006 R50 MINI Cooper and R53 MINI Cooper S Hatchback
2005-2008 R52 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Convertibles
2007-2013 R56 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Hatchback
2008-2014 R55 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Clubman
2009-2015 R57 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Convertible
2012-2015 R58 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Coupe
2012-2015 R59 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Roadster
2011-2016 R60 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Countryman
2013-2016 R61 MINI Cooper and Cooper S Paceman

DON'T POLLUTE! Dispose of used oil at an authorized collection facility.

This fluid is NOT compatible with the Cooper (non-S) CVT automatic transmission.

Note: Fluids cannot be shipped via air - they can be shipped by ground methods only.


[ ] Pan removal requires 4 liters to refill.
[ ] Torque converter replacement requires 4.5 liters to refill.
[ ] Transmission replacement requires 6 liters to refill.

Plug Torque:

M10 - 27 Nm (20 ft-lb)
M14 - 23.5 + 10 Nm (17 + 7 ft-lb)
M18 - 23.5 + 10 Nm (17 + 7 ft-lb)


My mini mileage is 105838. I put 4 of ATF JWS 3309 transmission fluid. How long these lasts? How soon should I add transmission fluid?
When you 'put 4 of ATF JWS 3309' - was this a drain-and-refill? or did you just 'add' 4 liters?

MINI considers the transmission fluid a 'lifetime' fluid, which usually means 100k miles.
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