GEARBOX - Close-Ratio Conversion A+

As outlined in the 'Gearbox - standard production gearbox types' article, it is entirely possible to change the common 4-syncro gearboxes to the helical close-ratio set-up as used in the Cooper S, 1275GT, 1300GT, and some early MG Metros providing the right parts can be sourced. And you don't already un-knowingly have the close-ratio kit fitted! Part numbers are detailed at the end.

The other pre-requisite for this conversion is that it can only be applied to the early, pre-A+ type mainshaft gears. That's those that have the square-topped teeth as supposed to the distinctively pointed A+ profile. This is because despite being endowed with A+-type fittings for the mainshaft end and layshaft, the conversion gears have the pre-A+ tooth profile. This is not to say that the conversion cannot be put into an A+ gearbox casing - it can and is detailed below. What is essential to understand is that the pre-A+ second and third mainshaft gears are going to be needed. First gear is the same in all 4-syncro gearboxes irrespective of whether they're pre-A+ or A+.

It should also go without saying that doing this to an otherwise clapped out gearbox is a waste of time. Take the opportunity to give the unit a good over-haul and fitment of a centre-oil pick-up pipe. Utilise a good manual for general gearbox disassembly/reassembly method. Haynes is possibly the best as it's quite comprehensively detailed.

When utilising the A+ first motion shaft and laygear, this is very straightforward. Simply exchanging the existing ones for the close-ratio versions is all that's required. Everything else remains the same.

If only the pre-A+ variants are available/sourced, then you will also need to use a pre-A+ mainshaft, pinion retaining nut, layshaft and centre-web layshaft thrust washer and relevant bearings. The mainshaft is required to provide the smaller 14mm first motion to main shaft support bearing, the pinion nut because the thread is different to the later types, the layshaft for the reduced carrier bearing sizes used and it's accompanying centre-web thrust washer for correct layshaft clearance/bearing retainer hole. Fitting the mainshaft is a simple swap for the pre-A+ one with no other fitting problems.

Fitting the laygear and layshaft is straightforward without any fettling or fixing required. It is imperative that the pre-A+ layshaft centre-web thrust washer be used. The A+ one does not locate the bearing properly, and would allow a certain amount of 'float' in the shaft to occur.

Re-assembly and shimming is as per the standard method/tolerances.


Part Numbers -

Pre A+ parts:

22G1094 2nd gear, 26 teeth
22G1095 3rd gear, 21 teeth
22A1371 18-tooth first motion shaft

Close-ratio laygear, tooth count is same as standard ratio laygear but has a smaller outside diameter on top gear (first motion) end

88G396 Laygear needle roller, 1st gear end
CHM141 Laygear needle roller, top gear end - 2 needed
C-22A1738 Hi-grade competition spec layshaft
22G931 Standard spec layshaft
22G860 Laygear thrust washer, top gear end - fixed size
22G856 Laygear thrust washer, 1st gear end - 0.123-0.124"
22G857 Laygear thrust washer, 1st gear end - 0.125-0.126"
22G858 Laygear thrust washer, 1st gear end - 0.127-0.128"
22G859 Laygear thrust washer, 1st gear end - 0.130-0.131"



A+ parts:

DAM3167 18-tooth first motion shaft
DAM3168 Close-ratio laygear, tooth count/size detailing as per 22G1040 above
13H9513 Laygear needle roller, 1st gear end
CHM141 Laygear needle roller, top gear end - 1 needed
C-22A1739 Hi-grade competition spec layshaft
DAM3187 Standard spec layshaft
22G860 Laygear thrust washer, top gear end - fixed size
DAM3180 Laygear thrust washer, 1st gear end - 0.121-0.123"
DAM3181 Laygear thrust washer, 1st gear end - 0.124-0.126"
DAM3182 Laygear thrust washer, 1st gear end - 0.127-0.129"
DAM3183 Laygear thrust washer, 1st gear end - 0.130-0.132"



Other parts:

C-AHT54 Centre-oil pick-up pipe
22A542B Now GUG705556GM (in AJM804B set) - 2 needed
AJM804B Gearbox gasket set
18G8085 Gearbox lock-tab set
DAM6140 Pinion lock tab (in set 18G8085)
DAM4000 First motion/input gear lock tab (in set 18G8085)