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Original short pin drive oil pump for all Pre A Plus minis with 850/998/1100cc engines except autos and others with star drive or the later slot drive pumps as found on A Plus blocks.
Classic Austin Mini Oil Pump Pin Drive Small Bore Motor

Classic Austin Mini Oil Pump Pin Drive Small Bore Motor

Classic Austin Mini Oil Pump Pin Drive Small Bore Motor
Selected: Pin Drive small bore 850/998/1100
Part No: 12G793
Fits the following:
Classic Mini
Sprite & MG Midget
Morris Minor
PayPal Pay Later
The "slot" drive oil pump has been the factory standard for many years. The evolution of the pump in production was started with the "pin" drive that is most common in early small bore motors. These pumps have a fork on the drive side to engage the "pin" in the end of the camshaft. Many 1275cc engines were then given "star" drive pumps. The pump has a splined shaft that engages a "star" drive that fits into the camshaft. The latest slot drive pump has a screwdriver end that engages a "slot" on the end of the camshaft. Almost every new or reground camshaft now available from the UK is only available in "slot" drive configuration! Oil pumps in the Mini/Sprite/Morris motors should be the most replaced item inside the motor. NEVER open the motor without replacing the pump. In these motors the pump is asked to suck the oil directly from the sump and send it to the oil filter. Thus the pump only sees UNFILTERED oil and does wear out quickly relative to the rest of the motor. As a rule of thumb you should have 10lbs of oil pressure for every 1,000 rpms!
Never ever take your motor apart for any reason and not replace your oil pump. It is the heart of your motor and it can never be too good! The 'slot' drive oil pump is the only one used in all late model engines. And thus almost all camshafts available in the market today are also slot drive. While all engines regardless of displacement use the same size camshafts it is not true of oil pumps. All non 1275cc engines use the same size pump, it has a shorter shaft than the ones used in a 1275cc.
What is the cost of an engine? How much would it cost to have your heart replaced? The oil pump in our motor is just like our heart- nothing is too good for the life blood of engine.
Turbo oil pump; highest flow available. 9 GPM VS APROX 6 GPM. This pump is a late model slot drive and will fit into any 1275cc engine!
The oil pump with a difference! This pump was designed as a long lasting modern oil pump. The steel backing provides rigidity and improved life expectancy. The two bolt design allows the use of this pump in any block configuration. The drive required for the camshaft is the Spline/star drive!

Competition Slot drive pump for 1300cc A-Plus engines.

All oil pumps are not created equal! Almost all pumps available today have the same design capacity. The problem is the lack of precise manufacturing. Most factories in their quest for production volume have sacrificed precision.

Our special pumps are CNC machined from alloy billets with sintered internals assembled to very exacting standards. These close tolerance pumps produce consistently high oil pressure even at high RPMs (10L/min at 1000RPM).

So finely engineered that there is less oil drag on the pump giving potential for higher BHP. Internal parts are available as spares to requirements.

Note: almost every camshaft is now the "slot" type. If you are replacing a camshaft this may be the pump you want

Original short pin drive oil pump for all Pre A Plus minis with 850/998/1100cc engines except autos and others with star drive or the later slot drive pumps as found on A Plus blocks.
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