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Just what it says, a pair of new 1.5" SUs, no linkage, heatshield, fuelpipe or manifold; just what you want if you've got a pair of old tired carbs. Twin HS4 SU carbs have been the most popular performance tune for the A series fuel system since the early Monte Carlo rally days. There is no question about the performance potential of this set-up but old worn out carbs can have very disappointing results. Twin carbs on a good manifold with quality air cleaners easily fit under the bonnet of the Mini or Sprite and MG Midget  and could perform as well as the highly touted side draft Weber! See C-AHT247 & C-AHT248 for ram pipes.
Classic Mini Su Hs4 1.50 Inch New Twin Carburetors (pair)

Classic Mini Su Hs4 1.50 Inch New Twin Carburetors (pair)

Classic Mini Su Hs4 1.50 Inch New Twin Carburetors (pair)
Part No: C-AUD640
Specially Priced. Discounts Do Not Apply.
Fits the following:
Classic Mini
Sprite & MG Midget
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Classic Mini 1.5 Hs4 Twin Carburetor Kit Less Air Cleaners
$1970.95 Classic Mini 1.5 Hs4 Twin Carburetor Kit Less Air Cleaners
Just what it says, a pair of new 1.5" SUs, no linkage, heatshield, fuelpipe or manifold; just what you want if you've got a pair of old tired carbs. Twin HS4 SU carbs have been the most popular performance tune for the A series fuel system since the early Monte Carlo rally days. There is no question about the performance potential of this set-up but old worn out carbs can have very disappointing results. Twin carbs on a good manifold with quality air cleaners easily fit under the bonnet of the Mini or Sprite and MG Midget  and could perform as well as the highly touted side draft Weber! See C-AHT247 & C-AHT248 for ram pipes.
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Strangely enough, it all started way back with William Banks Skinner; one of the owners/directors of the well-known Lilly and Skinner footwear distributors. In April 1872, W B Skinner's wife gave birth to George Herbert Skinner in Ealing, London.
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This subject is a regular message-board poser. Many of us have touted our preferences and discoveries whilst playing about over the years. One problem with trying to deal with it on the message board is the sheer volume of information offered and available against the time available to post it.