Selected: Classic Mini Hydraulic Brake Light Switch Lucas | Sprite & Midget
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The pressure of the brake fluid activates this switch, which screws into the banjo fitting on the front subframe on the right side. This system was used in Classic Mins up until 1976, when the switch was moved to the pedal. It was used in Spridgets through 1967. Genuine Lucas
The pressure of the brake fluid activates this switch, which screws into the banjo fitting on the front subframe on the right side. This system was used in Classic Mins up until 1976, when the switch was moved to the pedal. It was used in Spridgets through 1967. Genuine Lucas
I have a 1976 Australian mini make, brake lights come on and stay on when ignition on, assume a problem with brake switch but cannot find switch under brake pedal. I saw something about a pressure switch in the brake line, am I looking in the wrong place?
Most of the cars had a pressure switch located in a "tee" in the corner of the front of the car. Follow the line from your brake master down and you'll find it. part number C16062
Mini Part Team.
Mini Part Team.




