Alternate Products

Classic Austin Mini Ring Gear 129v Teeth Pre-engaged Late Verto
Light steel outer section for Verto-type clutch assembly, for pre- fuel-injection Classic Mini models. Saves four pounds of weight compared to the stock cast iron Verto version.
- Sciency Math-Stuff
- Weighs approx. 8.84lbs. Effects of lightening rotating engine components: (0.5 x n2 x r2 + R2) / R2 n = total gear ratio (gear ratio x diff ratio) r = radius of gyration R = Radius of wheel/tyre This formula gives what accelerative weight the engine sees of the car per lb. Radius of gyration of a transverse engine's flywheel is approx. 3.75" So to determine "weight loss" for a flywheel weight of say 18 lb to 10 lb, the engine would see an overall weight loss of the car to accelerate in first gear of: 3.33 = 1st gear of 4 synchro 'S' box 3.44 = diff ratio (0.5 x (3.33 x 3.34)2 x 3.752 + 9.52) / 9.52 = (0.5 x 131.2 x 14.06 + 90.25) / 90.25 = 1012.59 / 90.25 = 11.22 lbs So for every 1 lb removed from the flywheel, the engine sees 11.22 lbs less to accelerate off of the total car. Therefore by lightening the flywheel by 8 lb, the engine sees a total reduction of the cars accelerative weight of 89.68 lb.
For fuel-injection version(s), see C-AEG423 or C-AEG425 for SPi ("single-point injection"), or C-AEG424 for MPi ("twin-point" or "multi-point injection").
Light steel outer section for Verto-type clutch assembly, for pre- fuel-injection Classic Mini models. Saves four pounds of weight compared to the stock cast iron Verto version.
- Sciency Math-Stuff
- Weighs approx. 8.84lbs. Effects of lightening rotating engine components: (0.5 x n2 x r2 + R2) / R2 n = total gear ratio (gear ratio x diff ratio) r = radius of gyration R = Radius of wheel/tyre This formula gives what accelerative weight the engine sees of the car per lb. Radius of gyration of a transverse engine's flywheel is approx. 3.75" So to determine "weight loss" for a flywheel weight of say 18 lb to 10 lb, the engine would see an overall weight loss of the car to accelerate in first gear of: 3.33 = 1st gear of 4 synchro 'S' box 3.44 = diff ratio (0.5 x (3.33 x 3.34)2 x 3.752 + 9.52) / 9.52 = (0.5 x 131.2 x 14.06 + 90.25) / 90.25 = 1012.59 / 90.25 = 11.22 lbs So for every 1 lb removed from the flywheel, the engine sees 11.22 lbs less to accelerate off of the total car. Therefore by lightening the flywheel by 8 lb, the engine sees a total reduction of the cars accelerative weight of 89.68 lb.
For fuel-injection version(s), see C-AEG423 or C-AEG425 for SPi ("single-point injection"), or C-AEG424 for MPi ("twin-point" or "multi-point injection").




