With BMW revealing the new X2 M35i with a 300HP four cylinder engine, it’ safe to think these will be the power trains of the 2020 MINI Countryman and Clubman, according to Motoring File.
These engines generate 302HP @ 5000- 6250 RPM, and 332 lb-ft of torque @ 1750- 4500 RPM. Combine this with an improved All4 and an 8 speed automatic we can expect the JCW Countryman reaching the speed of 60MPH in less than 5 seconds, compared to the current JCW reaching 60MPH in 6.2 seconds.
To get more performance the new JCW’s will use all-wheel drive, which is also true for the 8 speed automatic. The upcoming Countryman will be the first JCW product without a manual transmission being an option.
With the 8-speed automatic transmission there will be improved launch control and will feature paddle shifts on the steering wheel, and other features such as M Performance tuning, additional transmission cooling and updated gear ratios.
Without a manual transmission, this is bad news, not good news. If boring automatic transmission is what you want, many other BETTER choices, that have even more power, and can go faster, at less cost. Mini is far superior to most of the rest, because of the manual offerings. If they give that up, many driving enthusiasts, including myself, will not be updating our Minis anymore.
This is a big mistake -- Mini decision makers -- please be aware -- we love our mini's not because of max power (not that power is bad) -- it's just that more power at the sacrifice of manual transmission is BAD for those who really like to be engaged in their drive!
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